During my last few visits to to the Matsusaka and Tsu area there have been a lot of decent birds, or decent shots of ordinary birds, that haven't found there way into blog posts for one reason or another. These are a few of those birds.
Starting off with one that's already featured, the current star bird of the area, Canvasback.
As has Goldeneye.
One Swallow may not make a summer but the first one passed through on March 13 and Japanese Skylarks were singing everywhere, this one as it was walking along the roadside.
There are still a few Buff-bellied Pipits around but I was more surprised to see an Olive-backed on the beach, they're usually under pine trees here.
White-cheeked Starlings seem very variable when it comes to the extent of white about the head. Might this be age related or just individual variation? Could they even be prone to leucism? I saw the first of these bird a couple of weeks ago and the second during the week.
Extensive head markings aren't anything unexpected. The breast band is unusual. |
This individual is getting a little carried away. |
On the wader front, several Little Ringed Plover were in this week as was a Spotted Redshank and this Temminck's Stint.
Pity this Temminck's was against the light. |
Other waders have been around all winter...
Northern Lapwing |
Sanderlings |
Dunlins |
Kentish Plover |
This American Wigeon was a month or so ago and is the only seemingly pure bird I saw this winter.
I planned last Wednesday as a gulling day and this was the sight that greeted me on the beach.
The sun hadn't risen but as is often the case when conditions are suitable the fishing boats were as close inshore as they could get. |
As the light was broadening. |
One of the better gulls was this juvenile Glaucous.
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